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IN provides services through Vocational Rehabilitation Services, CDCS waiver funding, It’s Working! funding, and private pay.



Discovery is the exploration and determination of an individual’s unique strengths, interests, and working conditions. Discovery includes an initial meeting, home visit, interviews with people who know the individual, observing life activities, creating a visual resume, and more.

Job Coaching 

If needed, we will provide assistance to the individual in learning and completing job tasks.

Job Development

Job Development is the exploration of potential employers and their needs that the job seeker could fulfill. We create a paid, customized job that matches the job seeker’s strengths, interests, and working conditions, and meets needs of the employer.


*Note: If beneficial during the Customized Employment Process, Inclusive Networking can arrange and offer informational interviews, job shadowing, and more.


Benefits Coaching: Hourly Services

Hourly Benefits Coaching Services aims to empower individuals in making informed decisions about their futures. Work and benefits are often complex and confusing. Our Certified Benefits Coach will assist individuals in navigating their work and benefit options, such as Social Security, Federal, and State benefits, including healthcare coverage like Medicare and Medical Assistance. We can examine how these benefits will be impacted upon an individual gaining paid employment or changes to employment income. Work plans are client-driven, provide concise and clearly outlined information, and address questions and concerns individuals and their support teams may have along the way.

Benefits Coaching: Benefits Report

Work plans are a vital tool in making informed decisions about employment and benefits. While we explore career paths, we will ensure the impact to benefits, such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medical Assistance, is well understood. With detailed information and a focus on understanding, We will complete individualized work plans that are both clear and accessible. By working collaboratively with individuals and their teams, we can expect a transparent idea of work goals and the steps needed to reach them.

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